Original Artwork by Brenda Pelletier

Saturday, August 25, 2012

So Excited About My Art Studio

Woo hoo, I no longer have to work in my dining room . I had turned it into my studio of sorts and it was actually quite pretty but storage was always an issue.... where to put all my canvases, books etc. ?

An armoire had been turned into my art cupboard but that was quickly overflowing.

Then life had a way of quite forcefully pushing me in the right direction. My tenants moved out and the local bylaw officers came and told me me that I wasn't allowed to rent it anyway.

So after some humming and hawing I decided to turn it into my art studio, which had been the original plan when we had built our new house.

I'm totally loving working in there  ....  the energy is beautiful but I do have the pressure now of making up the rent money from my studio. Since my sweetheart is no longer with us, I lost an income.

I'll be teaching painting Wednesday and Saturday mornings and holding workshops in there.
A few steps closer to my dream job !

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Inner Sparkle

You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have really lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love. ♥

Check out  Inner Sparkle on Facebook ...lovin it !

........no matter how bad things are, try to notice all the love you do have in your life this week....the more you notice it , the more  that comes into your life.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Inspirational Message

I leave you with this little inspiration for the weekend, directly from above . It seems like so many of my friends are now waking up to creating the life they want...they know they have a path but aren't sure which one to take.

In my journey of self exploration in the past two years , I have read many inspirational, self help and metaphysical books . And the one resounding theme in many of them ....is find your passion and follow your heart.

So take baby steps , find out what it is that fills your soul and ignites your light . Finding and working from that energy and that place of joy will start you on your path and lead yo to the next step.

Heres a painting I entered for a Hay House Affirmation Card Contest . Love the affirmation from Hay House .  I just added the painting . It was one of the ones chosen for second place.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Texture Tuesday

This weeks photo was done with much sadness as a tribute to one of my daughters close friends who lost her life on Sunday morning ..........  another casualty to drunk drivers .  Her best friend is also in a coma due to this tragedy .  I wrote the poem to try and capture her beauty and gentleness.

Forever in our hearts Crystal .

To see some amazing work visit Texture Tuesday at  Kim Klassen's

Life Book


I'm taking part in this yearlong journey at Willowing and Artist Friends
For the whole year , two different artist teach different techniques that we use to make pages of our own Life Book. What a cool way to record Your Story"
I'm really excited about all the different artists' various styles. Being a traditional oil painter, I am feeling quite a pull to branch out into the mult media techniques.

My first exercise was a bit of a bust though .....as I was quite time challenged and didnt really have time to experiment hopefully that will come later.... Plus I'm soooo used to painting it was totally a stretch to get back to just drawing. So I basically just got it done.

The excercise was to find Goddesses who's qualities you were drawn to. Goddess' who's qualities were somewhat contrasted . I chose Kwan Yin with commpassion, love and enlightment , and Isis ........still feminine and compassionate ..but  more assertive  in her feminine power , a leader.

 Totally looking forward to seeing how my style evolves as I learn the different techniques.

Have a blessed day !

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Current Work In Progress

So here's the beginning of what I've been working on :
And , here it is at about 3/4's of the way done:

It's coming along ....just an hour or so more  to add the skaters , work on the snow, and the finishing details !

Texture Tuesday Simplicity

Just loving Texture Tuesday with Kim Klassen . Sooooo cool what you can do with your photos .Its still very basic what I cna do ....but here's this week's entry using her Simplicity texture at 100 % on Grain Merge (the top one )   and  on Saturation on the bottom one. 

The frames are provide by this talented lady Linneas 
I can hardly wait til I can do more   but I I have to make sure I keep painting ....so easy to get distracted when your an artist lol !

Enjoy and have a blessed day !

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Texture Tuesday

This is the second time I've participated in Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday
I'm really enjoying it but am definitely photography challenged ...much more comfortable with a paintbrush !  Some of the entries are amazing !  But I really want to learn how to add textures and digital work to my paintings, so,
 persevere, I will !
I haven't got the soft blended look I'd like , I'm sure it will take alot of trial and error. Anyway, the entry had to be have something to do with a story and inlcude on of Kim's textures.
The above one has the 123 texture at dodge 29 %
and the next one has the same texture with value .
Which one do you like better ?

Inspirational Message

Enjoy these words of inspiration , however they work for you . I plan on adding angel messages weekly to my blog to inspire, uplift, or support so please check back.

This message is particularly meaningful to me . After being at the lowest point in my life after my sweetheart passed, it was a devestating struggle to get myself back in the land of the living again. I know that I acted very robotic like and made sure I took care of my kids needs ....but to really get back into life  and feel some joy was a huge challenge. I couldnt go to  grief support groups because I couldnt be with people.....way too fragile. I went to a grief counselor but I ended up counselling her.
No, my growth and healing began by exploring myself and what perceptions I had about life, life after death, God, Angelic help .......the whole shebang .
Although it is a never ending journey and I still continue to work through much grief, laughter has come back into my life again and  I did find the answers I needed ....and a whole lot more surprises within myself too ! Sometimes I think its like going down Alice in Wonderland's rabbit hole ......

Monday, January 9, 2012

Texture Tuesday

I've just stumbled upon "Texture Tuesdays "  with Kim Klassen ...........yes some of us are a little slower than others (wink, wink )

Anyway, this is my first little project using a warm sunny texture that she provided us with.  Although it's a far cry from what I'd like to be able to do , I had lots of fun playing around........but I  got absolutely nothing else done tonight. 

You can get totally carried away playing around in Photoshop and have no idea where the time went !

Enjoy !


NB: Whoops .....just figured out I must have brought up the wrong Texture Tuesday ( Lord knows how : )   Oh well, I'll get it right next week !

Thursday, January 5, 2012

What's Your Word ?

Geri at My Heart Art  http://www.myheartartbygeri.com/2011/12/whats-your-word-for-2012.html   has a wonderful challenge going on for the New Year. What's your word for  2012 ?

She's chosen the word BALANCE which is definitely a major goal for me this year after everything that I've been through in the last two years.

But my word for 2012 is   LOVE .   As my journey has unfolded that is the one thing that is abundantly clear to me ,  that I am soooooo blessed to  have LOVE all around me....from my kids, from my friends from my colleagues......and from the angels  ; )  

 And I am a true believer in  the more you give love the more you receive.

So, the above painting is one that I did that reflects my word for 2012 and beyond. ....with love .... all things are possible.

Enjoy !