I wasn't one of those finalist but since I sent in an incomplete piece lol I didn't expect that I would be chosen so I wasn't really that surprised. I was, however, blown away by the amazing talent of all the artists that sent their submissions in:. The artwork was truly outstanding so it would have been really hard to have chosen.
Lilla Rogers is a well known art agent that is the Creme de la creme to sign on with. The prize was pretty hefty ...signing on with her for two years, a trip to England and so on. What artist wouldn't want that ??
But what strikes me as the hubub of this contest begins to quiet down, is reading some of these amazing artists, almost apologetic comments that they weren't chosen. Or apologies that their artwork maybe wasn't quite the right style to be chosen.The caliber and quality of the work submitted was absolutely amazing ! Each artists having talents and distinct styles in their own right. No apologies are needed for not being chosen. Everyone's artwork was truly special and unique to them.
Facebook and social media is such a plus for artists to connect and share with each other. But with all this instant social media nowadays I feel like it can sometimes have a lot of artists jumping for the carrot trying to produce artwork to what they deem is "marketable art" . Don't get me wrong, there is a fine balance between producing art that you love and art that the public will buy. One that we all struggle with and hopefully will all find our place with.
But first and foremost, we are artists. We have an innate need to follow our soul and create something, first as an expression of our soul and second as an inspiration to others. That is the reason we create art. It is an outward expression of ourselves to the world. Which is why sometimes so many of us artists have such a hard time putting our work out there because it is so deeply personal.
In this self expression, we must be ultimately true to ourselves. It is in that deep need to create and shine our light through our creativity, where the true beauty lies...however it comes out. That is what truly shines when we complete a project that we have put our whole heart and soul into it. What I loved most about the comments on Facebook when artists started their piece for the Global Talent Contest or submitted it was how inspired they were. This is the place we need to keep creating our art from.
So none of us artists need to make any apologies for why we think our artwork or style wasn't suitable. If we were following our inner artist, we will all shine in our own right.
For myself, I am making the transition from a teaching career too a career out of my artwork. While I am still teaching, I was totally thrilled to connect with so many artists in this contest and to share our hopes and fears. It is a gift to me to be able to make art everyday and eventually make a career of it. If we all keep on "keep on" ing" I truly feel that that goal is within reach....as long as we continue to follow the nudgings of our inner artist.
I'll leave you with this inspirational writing....I love to do this . Just put my pen down to paper and seeing what comes out . And this is what came out : Enjoy !
Tiny leaves unfurl and stretch towards the light in harmony with the other vines and plants of the forest. They do not worry whether anyone around them is more beautiful for they know they are pure source as they reach toward the sun to unite with the biggest source of all. And in doing so, they can not help but radiate their inner light which is the essence of their true beauty.
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