Original Artwork by Brenda Pelletier

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Current Work In Progress

So here's the beginning of what I've been working on :
And , here it is at about 3/4's of the way done:

It's coming along ....just an hour or so more  to add the skaters , work on the snow, and the finishing details !

Texture Tuesday Simplicity

Just loving Texture Tuesday with Kim Klassen . Sooooo cool what you can do with your photos .Its still very basic what I cna do ....but here's this week's entry using her Simplicity texture at 100 % on Grain Merge (the top one )   and  on Saturation on the bottom one. 

The frames are provide by this talented lady Linneas 
I can hardly wait til I can do more   but I I have to make sure I keep painting ....so easy to get distracted when your an artist lol !

Enjoy and have a blessed day !

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Texture Tuesday

This is the second time I've participated in Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday
I'm really enjoying it but am definitely photography challenged ...much more comfortable with a paintbrush !  Some of the entries are amazing !  But I really want to learn how to add textures and digital work to my paintings, so,
 persevere, I will !
I haven't got the soft blended look I'd like , I'm sure it will take alot of trial and error. Anyway, the entry had to be have something to do with a story and inlcude on of Kim's textures.
The above one has the 123 texture at dodge 29 %
and the next one has the same texture with value .
Which one do you like better ?

Inspirational Message

Enjoy these words of inspiration , however they work for you . I plan on adding angel messages weekly to my blog to inspire, uplift, or support so please check back.

This message is particularly meaningful to me . After being at the lowest point in my life after my sweetheart passed, it was a devestating struggle to get myself back in the land of the living again. I know that I acted very robotic like and made sure I took care of my kids needs ....but to really get back into life  and feel some joy was a huge challenge. I couldnt go to  grief support groups because I couldnt be with people.....way too fragile. I went to a grief counselor but I ended up counselling her.
No, my growth and healing began by exploring myself and what perceptions I had about life, life after death, God, Angelic help .......the whole shebang .
Although it is a never ending journey and I still continue to work through much grief, laughter has come back into my life again and  I did find the answers I needed ....and a whole lot more surprises within myself too ! Sometimes I think its like going down Alice in Wonderland's rabbit hole ......

Monday, January 9, 2012

Texture Tuesday

I've just stumbled upon "Texture Tuesdays "  with Kim Klassen ...........yes some of us are a little slower than others (wink, wink )

Anyway, this is my first little project using a warm sunny texture that she provided us with.  Although it's a far cry from what I'd like to be able to do , I had lots of fun playing around........but I  got absolutely nothing else done tonight. 

You can get totally carried away playing around in Photoshop and have no idea where the time went !

Enjoy !


NB: Whoops .....just figured out I must have brought up the wrong Texture Tuesday ( Lord knows how : )   Oh well, I'll get it right next week !

Thursday, January 5, 2012

What's Your Word ?

Geri at My Heart Art  http://www.myheartartbygeri.com/2011/12/whats-your-word-for-2012.html   has a wonderful challenge going on for the New Year. What's your word for  2012 ?

She's chosen the word BALANCE which is definitely a major goal for me this year after everything that I've been through in the last two years.

But my word for 2012 is   LOVE .   As my journey has unfolded that is the one thing that is abundantly clear to me ,  that I am soooooo blessed to  have LOVE all around me....from my kids, from my friends from my colleagues......and from the angels  ; )  

 And I am a true believer in  the more you give love the more you receive.

So, the above painting is one that I did that reflects my word for 2012 and beyond. ....with love .... all things are possible.

Enjoy !